Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Before all of this, I had the hardest time waking up every morning.  Now?  I was awake at 5:45 and got out of bed before 6 am today.  I didn't want to wake Jim when he set the alarm for 7am today.  (not 7 yet, so he's still in bed)

It doesn't matter now.  Every morning I'm awake before an alarm goes off!  Damn!  At least I'm sleeping through the night for the most part and off the recliner, back in bed (3 nights in a row now!)

After I was up, I turned on my laptop to clear out some email, then moved onto Facebook.  There was a link to a blog by 2 different unrelated people. First, expected, Joe Haggerty who is a hockey sports guy that I happened to go to HS with.  (Still weird to see him on TV now and again when his parents live up the street from my parents).  Then was Maureen Hancock, a Medium who has been on TV several times, including the Ricki Lake Show 2 weeks ago.  (medium as in, "I see dead people".)  The two of them shared the same link for a blog? 

It was to a blog written by Bobby Robins, a Providence Bruins player.  I have to share it here. Honestly brought tears to my eyes.  Had to stop once to wipe my eyes before I could finish reading it.

SO did you read it??

Just think of the power in it.  If we all took a moment to genuinely feel the connection we have with others, to feel the impact we could have with others out there and made a CHOICE to be positive, how far reaching could that be?  What impacts on the world overall would that make? 

Years ago I worked in child care.  There was a poem I had on my desk that I am horribly going to try to paraphrase.  100 years from now it will not matter how much money you made, the kind of car you drove, or the house you lived in.  But the world may be different because you were important in the life of a child.

Change that up.  Not child.  Person.  Someone.  You just made a difference to ONE person. 

Think about a bad day.  Driving to work, stuck in traffic.  You get cranky.  The girl at Dunkin messes up your coffee.  When you are at work, your cranky, snappy and just not in a good mood.  Think about all the people who you come into contact with that get the privilege of your peachy mood. 

Think about when you start in a good mood, but it is someone you work with you had that bad morning.  How does that impact you when you are around that person?  Does it bring you down too?  Suck you in?  How are you with others after that?

What about the opposite?  Things are okay getting to work in the morning, but the girl at the Dunkin window is extra cheerful and happy.  You can feel her smile through the speaker when you order.  Getting up to the window, everyone inside is smiling and laughing and happy.  She really means it when she tells you have a great day. 

What if you carried that energy with you all day?  How would you interact with those around you?  What could you pass on to others? 

What do you want your legacy to be? 

How's that for a heavy thought before 7am with no coffee?  :)  I'm still shocked when people tell me how strong they think I am.  I don't think I'm strong.  I think I'm doing what I have to do, one foot in front of the other.  Nothing over the top, nothing that hasn't been done by others far better than me before.  I don't think I'm strong. 

Then I hear from people in the fitness group I have been involved with for about 4 years now.  I have organized 7 different sessions of the Couch to 5K running group and met AMAZING friends through that group.  I've pushed myself further than I ever thought possible because of that group.  I have gotten so much more from this group than I could ever possibly give. 

Sometimes I hear from people in that group about , and I'm so touched by the comments I'm given. 

     You are an inspiration, glad I met you this year.- Majalia (in September)

     You have been an incredible support and positive influence for so many people, you may not even realize it! - Mary

     You really are in inspiration to so many- Julie B

     You've already been inspiring people for a couple of years with the awesome fitness meetup, so keep it coming girl!!- Lara

So, I want to take Robins' commitment to 5 compliments a day and expand.  Just haven't figured it out yet how.  I try to stay positive as best I can.  I am grateful for the people in my life. 

ALL of the comment of support from all of you mean SO much!  I need that.  I need to hear the support and receive the reminders of who I have around me, supporting for me and helping to pull me through. 

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