I'm still REALLY fighting fatigue. That is so hard to adjust to. I'm trying to find the right balance, but I haven't yet.
Monday morning I was up with Jim at 6am and did a few things around the house that morning. I ended up taking the dog for a walk too and didn't take a nap at all Then Tuesday? Again, I was up with Jim at 6am, but back in bed 7am-11am. And then I was on the recliner and didn't move until after Jim was home around 5pm. That was my ENTIRE day. I was exhausted. From a walk and no nap!
It has been so frustrating to not do anything.
Last week I did a little super cheap shopping for a few things for the front entry way. Its such a big open area but it was empty and depressing and basically a dumping ground for things heading in or out of the house. So I cleared out a few things, bought a few things (places like Walmart, Ikea and Building 19) and its almost done. Yesterday I picked up a mirror at Home Depot for $15, and some sandpaper too. I have an old end table that was in my grandparents house that I started to sand down before I paint it black.
The rug I bought is nice, then 2 chairs, cushions (purple), a desk and an end table (both in black), a plant, a couple of black frames and then I blew up a couple of pictures for them. Now I just have to use the black spray paint on the wicker chairs, then finish sanding down the other table and paint that black. Jim said he'd get the rest of the mess out of the corners down there.
Once that is done, I can just finish it up and make sure it is all placed right. I did buy pillows at Ikea too, and some fabric at Building 19, along with some sewing stuff at Walmart. The PLAN is to make pillow covers for those 18 x 11 pillows for the backs of the chairs. PLAN. I don't sew so who knows when that will end up happening.
But it does look nice down there. Its all coming together and it was SO cheap to do it all. Guess all my time watching HGTV and DIY has done something.
What else??
Today I'm heading up to visit my dad. I talked him into getting a library card in that town and then getting one of the free passes the library offers. So, with that free pass, we are going kayaking on the pond today. It should be fun. My first real exercising in a while, so we'll see how that goes. At least I got a great nights sleep last night.
I hope my back ends up holding okay. I messed up my lower back last week after I put the desk from Walmart together. I was bend over, sitting on the floor, as I was screwing the pieces together. My lower back as sore within hours and I knew then that I would be in trouble. Last night I took another Aleve and iced my lower back for about 20 minutes.
This weekend should be fun. I am doing the Tomato Bash with a friend of mine on Saturday afternoon. Smash up tomatoes then toss them at people. I'm not only bringing towels for the ride home, but adding in a couple of trash bags to cover the seats of my car!!!
Nervous this morning after watching the news. Another wild fire out west and as of the news, it was only 25% contained. The fire was started by lightening and is in Park City, Utah, just outside of Salt Lake City. Well, I leave a week from tomorrow for the retreat that I'm going on. Flying into Salt Lake City. Guess what city I'm staying in? Yup... Park City, Utah.
Have I mentioned that I AM MURPHY! I haven't gone away since Puerto Rico. This is a retreat for women with breast cancer. I have been looking forward to this for months. And what happens? A wild fire in the city I am staying in. WONDERFUL!
Speaking of being Murphy.... I talked to the nurse in my gynecologic oncologist's office. RoseMary. My pap that they took on July 31st came back abnormal. Could be from the chemo, could be the chemo suppressing my immune system and allowing other things to happen. Could be early cervical cancer. They don't know right now. So, they want to do more testing. I scheduled my colposcopy in September.
She said it is like having a pap that takes longer. Same scope, but they put a vinegar mixture in because that will react with the cells. If the doctors sees anything, she'll do a biopsy right then and there. (Great! A biopsy up my who ha!)
While I was on the phone with RoseMary, we went over the message she had left for me regarding my ovarian cancer ultrasound screening and CA-125 blood test. Blood test normal, no markers for cancer. Ultrasound showed cysts. I would need more testing in a couple of months.
I told her that with my anxiety and everything I have been through, on top of my family history.... I don't want to wait. I want to schedule the Salpingo-Oopherectomy. After she checked the doctors schedule, she called back. My oncologist is booking into October at this point and surgeries are done on Monday's. They are open on Columbus Day and can get me in that day. I figured it would be one less day I would need to take off of work.
RoseMary told me I would need at least a couple of days to recover, but if I'm working from home, I could realistically be working again by Thursday.
And speaking of work... I have now emailed my boss 4 times in the past month. Mid July I emailed her on a Wednesday, then forwarded the sent email again on Friday after no response. Then I texted her that day. She responded to the text that she got the emails and was going on vacation.
Last week I forwarded the sent thread again but still no response. I sent a 4th from that same thread on Tuesday of this week. If I don't hear back by tomorrow I'm going to forward the thread to my HR person. I don't want them to think I'm blowing them off if my boss isn't getting back to me.
I don't even know if she's my boss anymore!!! So may things have changed at work this year from what I have heard. I don't know what job I'm going back to or who I'll be working for. I hope it is a very similar position and I'm PRAYING that I can work from home!!!
Anyway... sitting on the sofa, under a blanket and in my pj's and I had wanted to leave my house to head to see dad in about 15 minutes from now. Not sure that is going to happen with everything else I want to do around the house, including showering and getting a bag of stuff together to bring with me. Oh well!!!! I'm late for everything!!!
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