From day one, I was told that with the chemo I'd be taking, the first four treatments would be harder than the 2nd four on Taxol. Stronger side effects, tougher on my veins, all of it. Once I got through those, the 4 on Taxol would be a breeze.
Well, I guess I do things my own way. The first four? Fatigue, yup. Chemo brain, yup. Nausea? Not really. Sick and puking? Not once. I honestly was a little nervous for NOT having the side effects that I heard about. I worried if the chemo wasn't working right since I wasn't feeling like crap all the time.
But now? HA HA! SO much for the Taxol being a breeze! I felt so sick this morning. SO sick. And I'm really starting to feel the pain in my legs again. Right now its on my right leg, in my foot, in my knee.... it just hurts! But my CVS text came through that my new and stronger Vicodin prescription is now ready for pick up.
It wasn't easy this morning. I really felt like absolute crap. This was the worst I have felt for any chemo treatment, out of the 6 that I have gone through.
Hmm.... 6 down. 2 to go. 75% through chemo. 3/4's of the way done. Nice way to look at it. If I'm running a mile at the track, its only one lap left to go. I can get through the last 2 treatments, but holy shit this one sucks! The pain can be overwhelming at times. Shooting through my legs. And I was just not expecting to feel sick this morning. Not sure what happened this time around.
I slept last night and slept great! I was in bed by 10:30 and didn't get up until after 7. I took a nap this morning too. And right now I am exhausted and can't lift my head up. I'm afraid to eat anything that isn't bland because of the flip flops my belly was doing all morning.
Another step, getting through today. Then I can worry about tomorrow.
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