Monday, December 31, 2012

Grand Soirée Boudoir Giveaway

I had no real expectations of winning this contest when I entered it last week. 

Doing a sexy photo shoot was something I always thought would be fun to do.  Getting hair and makeup done and putting on something that I feel great in, having a real photographer take great pictures of me... how much fun would that be? 

Cloutier Photography in Weymouth was having their Grand Soirée Boudoir Giveaway contest.  I needed to send an email with a current photo of me and at least one paragraph of why I wanted to win this.  The winner would get a whole bunch of prizes including the photo shoot plus to bring along 3 friends. 

I put off entering for days.  I wasn't sure.  Especially knowing I was cutting my hair.  Could I do a photo shoot?  Would I feel sexy?  Would I feel good enough about myself? 

Finally on Friday afternoon, I entered.  I sent my email in, with two pictures of me taken in November in Puerto Rico.  And then I told my story, what has been going on in my life for the past few months.  Why did I want to win this?  The last paragraph of my entry was:

The reason I decided to enter this now is to have a reminder of who I am before my surgery. Even though I still have this growing tumor inside of me, I’m strong, happy, positive and I intend to kick cancers *SS! I have found courage and strength I didn’t know I had. When I’m struggling through chemo and feeling miserable, I want a reminder of me looking happy, beautiful and sexy

Well, guess what?  Today I got an email.  I WON!!  This Saturday is my photo shoot!!! 

She asked if I wanted any other prizes before Saturday.  The faux pearls might be a nice accessory for the shoot.  And I do I want the mani/pedi too.  I'm going to save the Victoria Secret gift card for after reconstruction.  Who knows if I'll be the same size or not. 

So this coming Saturday night I'll be rocking it out with a few great friends, posing in my sexy digs.  I'm REALLY looking forward to this.  It was perfect timing and something I really needed.  Five days later is my sugery. 

The link to the prize site with a summary of my entry along with the list of prizes is:

Oh and one more thing... she posted it on Cloutier Photography's facebook page with this link above.  She only listed me as "J" for the winner.  The comments people posted after reading it?  WOW!  I needed that too.  To hear things like that from people who don't know me was touching, overwhelming and just took me back a bit. 

Here's some from FB:

Cloutier Photography shared a link.
We have chosen the winner of 2013 Grand Soirée Boudoir Giveaway! It was such a difficult choice this year. But, we feel as if this year's winner encompasses the strength and pride that these sessions also carry. We need to celebrate who... we are at every stage in our life, and continue to feel strong even in times that are difficult. I couldn't ask for a better start to 2013. Thank you all for sharing your stories with me!

To read some of J's entry, please visit our website:
Stacy  kudos to her for being so brave & well wishes through her journey.
Nancy  Even though I don't know J, after reading her story, I am so happy for her, that she was chosen as the winner of the Giveaway! May God richly bless her and and I wish her all the best in her journey! Congratulations!!
Tracy  Amazing story! Sounds like the perfect person to win this giveaway.
Kerry Lynn  Hands down you picked the perfect winner! J- your story moved my & your courage is inspiring. Wishing you happiness & health for 2013!
Tracy  I'm so pleased the winner came across your giveaway. Amazing story

Looking Back

Today is New Years Eve.  I've always loved New Years, and I've said that before.  Years ago I worked with a life coach and I still do her New Year Review.  Here's a link to her website with the Year in Review page from 2003 into 2004.

I have named my year every year for YEARS now.  Doing this review and coming up with an intention for the upcoming has become a huge part of my New Years tradition.  I know that 2009, My Year of New Experience completely changed my life and made me the person I am today.

Doing the review this year is going to be a bit more difficult for me.  Everything right now is completely focused on cancer and nothing else.  I have tunnel vision.  It is almost all that exists for me.  But it has to be that way for me.  This is my life.  If I'm not focused on cancer and beating it, what does that say about how much I value myself and my life? 

One thing I have noticed and immediately thought about when I reread the year review questions was the part about relationships.  That is something that has definitely changed with cancer in my life.  I have been absolutely blown away at the kindness I have been shown from people, people and places I would never have expected it from!  It is SO touching. 

Just from facebook alone, people have noticed my posts and pictures and comments I have made.  The updates are more for em and those who know what is going on in my life.  But others who don't know have figured a few things out, especially within the past couple of weeks.  It has been a little overwhelming to receive such amazing support, encouragement and just hearing from people I never would have expected to hear from.  From people who have not been a part of my close circle for a long time. 

In that respect, I am so lucky.  I'm lucky to have the people in my life that I do.  So many have stepped up and offered so much for me.  I know I couldn't do this without everyone by my side, offering encouragement and kind words along the way, keeping my spirits up and keeping me laughing and smiling. 

I have been a little shocked by a few people I have not heard anything from, places I would have expected it from.  A few people at work surprised me and not in a good way.  Someone I have known for 7 years, worked for twice and was friends with.... she hasn't said one word to me about any of this, not even in an email.  When I saw her a couple of weeks ago, she could barely make eye contact with me. 

Even some family has surprised me.  Most have been AMAZING!  But some?  I was really surprised. 

But even though those people do stay in the back of my mind, I am choosing not to focus on that.  I'm choosing to focus on the outpouring of support I am receiving from everyone and everywhere else.  Work giving me all the time off I have needed for the rest of 2012, even though I was out of time off weeks ago.  Family and friends sending cards, emails, texts and facebook messages, checking in and being SO supportive.  My boyfriend always saying the right things to me to make me feel better.  People I haven't talked to in years reaching out.  Bartenders giving me hugs.  My gym sending me cards, messages and even the amazing Edible Arrangement!  (so not necessary!)  A family friend of a million years, opening her salon on a Sunday to cut my hair for me, and then refusing to accept anything!

By the way.... Emerald Salon in Stoneham on Main Street.  Faith Butler is the owner.  And here is the link to the facebook page:

Faith is basically family.  She has been friends with my Godmother, my Aunt Kathy, since they were 15 years old in high school.  When I was about to start high school, my cousin Lisa and I flew out to California to stay with our Uncle and Aunt and also with Faith when she lived out there.  She's been back this way for about 20 years and opened up her salon in Stoneham 13 years ago. 

Yesterday she opened up the salon on her day off for me to come in.  My friend Pam, who I have not seen in WAY too long, met me there as well.  The two of them made it more like a day of hanging out and catching up than anything else.  I was afraid it was going to be really emotional for me to cut off my hair, which has not been above my shoulders in over 15 years!  They made it fun. 

Faith refused to accept anything from me.  She spent a few hours on her day off, cutting my hair, then trimming up the three wigs I brought in with me as well.  She wouldn't take anything from me. 

SO, please check out Emerald Salon and say hi to Faith for me!   I wasn't expecting that at all.  I wasn't "pulling the cancer card" and trying to get something for free.  Originally I was going to go to a salon for it, but I was afraid of how I would handle that emotionally and wanted to go to someone I know, who is like family.  And she wouldn't take anything from me.  Please help me thank her!  If you are looking for an amazing stylist, check her out!!!

As great as the day was, it was still tough when I got home.  The only reason I was chopping off my hair is because of cancer.  I'll lose in during chemo.  I won't be able to shower for a couple of weeks after surgery and won't be able to lift my arms over my head.  I know I won't be able to take care of it, which is why I wanted to cut it before surgery.  It it wasn't for cancer, I would still have my long straight hair. 

It was hard last night, every time I walked by a mirror.  Even seeing shadow in the hallway was hard.  This isn't me.  This short hair, it isn't who I am.  Its hard to see.  I wish I could have my hair back, but I can't.  And I won't for a very very long time. 

Jim was great about it all.  I was upset last night.  I lost part of me by cutting off my hair.  I'm having surgery in 10 days and I'll be losing even more of me, but gaining 3-4 inch scars across what will be my nippleless chest.  That's scary!  I don't want to look like a freak and I don't want to feel like a freak.

My hair was part of me and part of who I was as a person and as a woman.  My femininity.  And it was cut off yesterday.  That's hard.  I don't look like me.  And I don't feel attractive.  Toss in, I haven't worked out in about a month with the IVF crap.  The shots I'm on have made me bloated and hormonal.  I'm stressed out and have so much anxiety.  I just don't feel good about myself. 

Jim told me that I'm still me.  Its my personality.  With my hair cut and with the upcoming surgery, it doesn't change how he feels about me.  Yeah, he has to get used to the new hair cut because I look different, but I'm still me and he loves me. 

It really helped having him just hold me and tell me that he loves me.  He said that the things that matter to me, like the hair cut, don't matter to him.  That's not why he's with me.  He's with me for who I am and that hasn't changed.  I'm still the same person. 

I really am lucky to have him in life.  He just knows what I need all the time.  When we got home last night, I was starting to lose it a little after seeing my shadow and reflection.  The kitchen was a mess and I just needed some order since everything else is completely out of control right now.  I told him I was starting to freak out and that I needed this done. 

He pulled me towards him, put his arms around me, gave me a kiss and told me he loved me.  He kept giving me little kisses with his arms wrapped around me.  He made me slow down, stop and he stopped the start of a possible meltdown.  I'm just so grateful to have him in my life and to be with someone who loves me, who I love and who makes me this happy. 

2013 is going to be full of challenges for me.  I will face things I never thought about, considered or ever would want to go through.  A few surgeries, chemo, recovery.  This is my life for a good part of 2013. 

I know that I'll make it through all of this.  I know I AM a survivor.  I know I have amazing support in my life.  And I have so many amazing people and things to be grateful for. 

Thank you to all of you who read this, who offer me support and who have been part of my "team" to get me over this mountain to the other side of what lies ahead in my life.  I need all the support I can get, all the encouragement, help, prayers, well wishes, and positive energy that I can have.  So please keep on sending it!!

Ten more days until surgery.  10 days from right now I will be at Faulker Hospital, preparing for my surgery.  10 days.  Crazy, isn't it?  Ten days. 

I'll keep writing here up through then.  I'm not sure how I'll be after surgery, so it might be a few days.  I'll try to get some sort of update out, even if Jim logs in somewhere to post for me to spread the word. 

Ten days. 

Time to do my annual Year in Review and see what my deep down thoughts come up with. 

Happy New Year!  Think good thoughts for 2013!!! 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Who To Tell

After I first found the lump and was going through the process in October, I only told a few people what was going on.  Obviously Jim knew.  I was texting him on the ultrasound day and he took me to the biopsy. 

A few people at work knew, since I was leaving for so many appointments, and a small handful of friends.  That was it. 

The day I got the results, Jim was with me.  I texted a few friends later that day as well as called my parents.  Later that week I told more friend, work and many people in my family.  Little by little I have been telling others as well. 

The kickboxing gym was tough to tell.  And I miss being there SO much!  I'm not sure if I will be able to go again before surgery.  It depends on how I do after the next egg retrieval and how quickly my body adjusts back. 

Jim and I go to the 99 Restaurant every Friday night for dinner at the bar.  They all know us at this point.  Kevin makes Jim his Jack and Diet.  If we are on Johnny's side of the bar, he's putting my beer down as I'm still standing up taking my coat off.  I've been thinking about telling them for a while now. 

Tomorrow I'm chopping my hair off.  We'll have next Friday to go there, but the following week I'll be in the hospital after surgery.  I won't be going for the few weeks I'll have the drains in after that either.   I wanted to let them know we'd be MIA for a bit and I wanted to tell them before I chopped off my hair.  It might be harder to tell new people after after tomorrow.

So last night I told Kevin, Clare and Johnny.  We see them every week.  They know us now.  We know things going on in their lives and they know about our lives. 

They all hugged me good-bye as we left last night.  Clare took the bill off the bar, crumpled it up and tossed it out.  I was touched when Johnny looked at Jim and asked him how he was doing.  He's right around our age and I think he gets it from Jim's perspective more. 

They were all just so nice.  I know they were all concerned about me and genuinely worried about me.  They all said to stop in and see them and to let them know how I'm doing along the way.  It was nice. 

That got me thinking... I want to kick him out of the house on Friday night the 25th.  Make him go to the 99 without me.  That'll be 2 weeks after surgery, so I should be feel better by then.  I'll still have drains in and won't be completely heeled yet, but I want him to go out. 

So I want a couple of friends to come over and hang out.  Bring some wine, and snacks and we can hang out.  I won't be much of a hostess or anything like that.  So everyone will have to bring everything themselves.  But we can just hang and chill out and I can see friends.  I need to get on that!

And the week before that too.  I already have friends lined up to be at the house Tuesday-Friday during the day when Jim is at work.  He's going to work from home on Monday to be there with me.  But at night?  He still needs to get out!  He goes to the gym Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights every week.  He'll skip the day of my surgery, but I want him to go the week I'm home.

I don't think I'll be ready or comfortable to be home alone all those nights.  Anyone around any of those 3 nights to hang out?  Monday and Tuesday nights he should leave by 7pm and he's home by 9:30.  Thursday nights is a little earlier.  He should leave by 6:30.  That night he can be home anywhere between 8-9. 

I feel like I'm asking for a babysitter!  And in a way, I am.  I need someone to sit at the house with me to make sure I'm okay in case anything happens. 

It isn't just that one week either.  I want him to go to the gym three nights a week.  He NEEDS that.  That's his release during all of this.  He has to go.  When I'm in chemo, and even that first week... having people come over to hang with me those 3 nights would be really great. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Two weeks!!

I looked at the clock at work today around 10:30am.  I realized that in 2 weeks from that moment I would be at Faulkner Hospital, getting ready for surgery to start at noon.  Wow.  Only 2 weeks left.  I can't believe it. 

Work is hard to get through.  I can't focus at all.  My mind is still all over prepping for everything that's left for me to do.  I still have to go shopping for some new pj's, slippers and a few other things, plus we have a ton of stuff to do around the house.  I feel guilty for not having 100% to give at work, but really... this is a LIFE CHANGING surgery!  How am I actually supposed to be focused right now?  Could that even be really expected?  Seriously?

This whole thing hits me in weird ways.  I'll think I'm okay, then BAM, something just slaps me in the face, surprising me with the force of how hard it hits me.  It happened again last night.  I wasn't expecting it and ended up in tears. 

After I have surgery, even with reconstruction, I will no longer have any feeling in my chest.  In one book I was reading, she said her young daughter grabbed onto her chest.  She had no idea because she had absolutely no feeling at all. 

Last night, Jim and I were talking while we were in bed.  I always lay in his arms.  Last night I was on my back, Jim on his side next to me.  He had one arm under my head and the other wrapped over me, resting over my chest.  That's when it hit me, slapped me in the face.  I won't feel that anymore. 

After my surgery, I won't feel his arms wrapped around me when we fall asleep.  When we wake up in the morning, and I roll over on him to give him a kiss, I won't feel him up against my chest.  That's just sad. 

Those are the little things that just hit me hard and unexpectedly. 

I still get worried about him.  Jim is amazing.  He has been so supportive during this whole thing right from the start.  I really couldn't ask for anything else.  I'm just afraid it is too much.

I can't get away from this, from cancer.  This is my life now.  He can.  He could walk away.  But he doesn't want to.  He won't stop standing by my side.  I just don't want all of my stuff to be too much for him.  And it is going to be even harder soon.

I'm having surgery, I'll look different.  I'll be going through chemo, lose my hair, get crazy sick with it.  I'll be tired all the time, have no energy at all.  This is going to be for at least the first half of 2013!  Jim says he's fine, but I just don't want this all to be too much for him.

He still does his MMA classes and works out at home too.  I got him a grappling dummy and mats for Christmas so now he can do more training at home too.  I want him to have his outlets for him and for his stress.  I know he needs that. 

I'm glad I have friends helping out too.  After I'm home from surgery, I'll have friends coming over for 4 days so I'm not alone and he can go to work.  Then for chemo, he'll go with me for my first session, but friends are taking me for the other 7 treatments.  I just want to make sure he has a break and this isn't all on him and only him. 

Today I was online reading some on  I was looking at different studies that have been released over the past few months as well as information on my surgery and for chemo.  I am SO grateful for where I live.  People come from all over to receive treatment where I am.  Not only from just this country, but from all over the world!  Dana Farber is one of the best places for cancer treatment. 

I'm just grateful for so many things right now.  I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I do.  One of the studies I read was about having strong support systems in place and how it impacts treatments.  I have the best boyfriend who can make me laugh through my tears.  I have a huge extended family who have been amazing with cards, emails, text messages, facebook messages, showing so much support.  My friends are incredible, offering to help me with chemo, after surgery, plus with so many other things along the way.  Toss in Jim's family.  I can't even believe the support they are giving as well.  Its just touching. There is no other way to say it. 

Toss in where I'm treated at Dana Farber and all the resources they have.  I'm doing my best to take advantage of everything I can.  I can't have too much support and the more help I have, the easier things will be for me and for Jim. 

Even wig shopping.  I had fun with Tracie that night. And who knew that I would have a HUGE wig store so close to my house with really inexpensive prices for nice looking wigs. 

Next week it will be 2013.  I've always loved New Years with all of the possibilities right there, wide open.  I'm not sure how to approach this one.  Do I make a resolution?  How?  What?  To be healthy?  To get through surgery, reconstruction and chemo treatments with my sanity and without too much suffering for me or those around me?

It's scary to think about 2013 and what is ahead.  Not just surgery in 2 weeks, not just chemo, but when its done.  My life after cancer.  This will always be part of my life from now on, part of who I am. 

I still forget sometimes.  The shock of it is gone, but the gravity of it isn't always here.  I'll still just have it as more on my "to do" list, more things I'm trying to manage and goals I'm working towards.  Get through IVF treatments, get everything at the house ready, finish shopping for what I need, have help lined up, get a landline for work, get everything for work ready, have my short term disability set up.  All the things on my list, not about cancer. 

I'm not sure how the final 2 weeks will go as I continue prepping for everything.  I'm nervous about the haircut on Sunday, but I'm hoping the company with Faith and Pam will make it easier. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

15 Days

This Christmas was even better than I had hoped.  I'll be honest, I was a little worried.  I don't want to be the elephant in the room and I don't want to be a holiday downer either.  I know people typically will take their leads from me and my attitude about everything.  It can be tough, especially if I'm not feeling up. 

The weekend was very busy, starting with Saturday.  We made several stops on our way up, but got up to Gloucester to tons of food at my uncle's house.  It was nice to see my dad's family and my grandfather.  I hadn't seen so many of them in way too long.  I ate too much and drank too much wine, but I'm glad we went. 

I still feel bad though.  It was Jim's birthday. We were there a LOT longer than I had expected.  I owe him big time for that one!  Spending his birthday with my family. 

Sunday morning I was home doing my own thing and Jim was out and about finishing up his shopping.  We met my friend Jen and her boyfriend to watch the Pats game and have lunch.  That was fun.  Nice to get out, the food (again!) was great.  It was the 3rd day in a row where I had a few drinks, and that is not like me anymore.  I'm really not even supposed to be drinking at all!  Not with some of the medications I'm taking.  Typically its only on Friday night, but with the holidays?  WOW!

Monday was crazy!  I was out just after 7am to get to the bakery for Christmas desserts.  On my way back it was off to the dry cleaners, supermarket plus Home Depot for a gift certificate.  After the four stops, I was home a little after nine then back in bed by 9:15 for a 2 1/2 hour nap! 

For some reason I'm not sleeping lately.  I fall asleep great, but then somewhere between 2-3am, I'm WIDE AWAKE!  And that goes on for about 2 hours.  Every single night for about a week now.  Its killing me!  I'm just so exhausted every day. 

My Monday Christmas Eve nap was exactly what I needed.  After lunch, I got the rest of my Christmas gifts together and started to get ready.  We had a few last minute stops to pick up the rest of the restaurant gift certificates.  Then we were off to Jim's parent's house for Christmas Eve.  It was new for me to have Chinese food that night, instead of the fish fry I was used to.  But the desserts?  WOW!  No change with that in an Italian house! 

It was great seeing Jim's niece open up her gifts.  She is just so cute and was so excited to open each new gift. 

One thing I have been very lucky with is Jim's family.  When you meet someone new and that relationship becomes more serious, you are also getting that person's family, good or bad.  Well, I'm lucky.  Jim's family is great.  From day one they have always made me feel so welcome at each family gathering.  I walk in and I'm immediately being hugged and welcomed by everyone in his big extended family.  Now they look at me and tell me who is hosting the next Sunday dinner and there are two in January but I'm not sure Jim knows about them both. 

We were at his parent's later than we had planned.  We were home closer to 10pm and I was about an hour late for my shots that night, which wasn't great.  Man, this new one sucks.  It HURTS getting it.  I can feel it.  Who knew I'd call the original one "the easy shot".  I hate needles!

Speaking of!  I had an ultrasound and blood work this morning.  HOLY CRAP!  For once, the blood work didn't hurt much, which was great.  But when I took the gauze and tape off my arm, it was soaked through with blood.  Even now, my arm is still red and already bruising.  They kill me with these.  I'm going to look like an addict again after a few more times getting my blood taken.  No matter who does it, going every few days just kills my veins. 

Another thing we did on Christmas Eve before going out was exchanging gifts.  I'm glad we did it early and weren't rushed about it.  Jim was so sweet.  Last year he got me a great Coach bag which I LOVE.  This year he got me a wallet to match.  He had a hard time about getting me anything else.  He said he didn't want me to always associate whatever he got me with cancer.  So he got the wallet and filled it up with gift cards.  Macy's, Victoria's Secret, Old Navy, Massage Envy. 

How sweet is he??  So thoughtful.  He said he knows that I'll need so many new things after surgery and reconstruction, so now I can get what I need and want.  I love him so much.  When we first saw his parents after I got my diagnosis, I made it a point to thank his mom.  He is just such a great person and he has been so caring and thoughtful and just amazing to me through all of this.  I couldn't do it without him. 

Right from the beginning he was telling me that we would beat this together.  When I tried to push him away and gave him a chance to get out and walk away his answer to me was, "why would I walk away from my best friend?"  He is so great to me.  So yeah, when we first saw his parents after I got my diagnosis, I made it a point to thank his mom for him being who he is.  I told her that she raised a great man.  And she really really did. 

Christmas Day was a lot more running around.  First to my parent's house, then to my aunts for dinner #1, then to his aunt's house for dinner #2.  We got home last night around 6 or 7.  I was SO exhausted after all of it and crashed hard (of course I was still up at 2am!).

Today was back to work.  I've been finding it harder and harder to keep focused at work and focused ON work.  I'm there physically, but sometimes that's about it.  My mind is preparing for everything with surgery.  What am I bringing to the hospital for my surgery?  What do I have to do around the house to be ready when I get home?  What else do I need to buy, like new button down PJ's, slippers to bring with me for the hospital?  List after list after list!

Then I came up with a new list.  Things I'm going to work on during this, inspired by my friend Michelle, who told me "Stop thinking of what inconveniences or doesn't inconvenience other people. All your energy is to go to getting you thru this with the littlest amount of stress."  This was after I asked her if coming over at 7am when Jim leaves for work on the Tuesday and Wednesday after my surgery was too early. 

From there, my new list. 
1. Setting boundaries when necessary.
2. Asking for and accepting help from others.
3. Managing expectations.
4. Preparing for what I can.

This will help me have a tiny bit of control over things where I can, help to keep my stress & anxiety levels lower, and help me get through this.  I think the hardest part for me will be #2, asking for and accepting help.  I HATE asking for help from people. 

I never want to be a burden on other people.  I worked so hard to be independent, to be able to do whatever I need to do on my own.  Needing other people?  Me?  I HATE that.  I don't want to be weak.  I don't want to be an inconvenience on anyone, ever. 

But right now I know I NEED to ask for help.  I can't do it all. And I can't expect Jim to do everything else.  SO I have asked.  Or at least tried to ask for help. 

When I get home from the hospital, Jim will be home with me over the weekend and on Monday working from home.  Michelle will be there on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Jen is coming over on either Thursday or Friday.  I do need help on the opposite day that week, either Thursday or Friday the 17th or 18th, to be at my house at 7am when Jim leaves for work to basically just sit in my house all day.  Anyone interested?  The house has wireless internet so you could bring your laptop and work from "home"!  Just in case something happens, I'd feel better knowing someone is there to help me. 

And I might need help the following week too but I won't know for sure until then. 

No other appointments tomorrow, the next is another ultrasound with blood work on Friday morning.  Next week I have 2 appointments on Wednesday back to back, but who knows if I'll have to cancel those.  That depends on the "harvest" thing and what that ends up being. 

That's about it for now. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

19 Days!

Gotta love the crazy Christmas season.  I'm so last minute this year.  I still have a bunch of gift certificates to pick up, plus cards.  I've been done and wrapped before by Thanksgiving, so this part is making me nuts!  Too much to do and not enough time.

It has been SO long since I've seen my dad's family.  Today is "Christmas Eve" up in Gloucester at my uncle's house.  It's also my grandfather's birthday and my boyfriend's birthday! 

And again, as always, my boyfriend is amazing.  Since it has been forever since I've seen my dad's family and he knows how much it means to me, we're driving up to Gloucester for the fish fry dinner (and he doesn't eat fish either!).  Just cuz he knows I really want to see them, even on his birthday. 

Last night we went to our usual 99 Restaurant.  Is is sad that I was still taking off my coat to put on the back of my chair when a beer was put down in front of me?  Then the bartender when to make Jim's drink for him.  And this wasn't even the usual bartender that we get!  We're usually sitting with Kevin and even Johnny knows what we drink!  Johnny gave us the hot fudge brownie sundae for free for Jim's birthday.  Kevin got Jim a free drink. 

I was giving a Jim hard time too about having them sing happy birthday to him.  Jim would KILL me if I ever did that to him!  But I knew that Johnny never would do it to Jim, I've heard him talking people out of it when they tried to do to other guys at the bar.  So it was okay to say things like that to Johnny and have Jim sweat it out a little!  :)

We'll leave and head up to Gloucester for a while, hang out, do the Christmas thing, then head out.  We are going to stop by Jim's parents on the way back too, so they can see him for his birthday.  Then I think he said something about the movies.  He wants to see The Hobbit.  I'd rather do anything else, but hey, not my birthday so I'll suck it up!

Tomorrow we are meeting my friend Jen and her boyfriend to watch the game and do lunch.  The guys have never met and I know they will get along, so that will be fun.  Jen's great!  (btw Jen, thanks for the card AGAIN!  :)  I love all of them that you have sent!)

Seriously, I have NO idea how many cards Jen has sent me.  My wrist surgery get well, support cards, a Christmas card.... and I LOVE it.  She sent me recipes for high protein things, since I'm supposed to aim for 77 grams (of non-soy) protein a day.  Just super sweet!

To answer your question Jen... my favorite dishes?  I love food in general!  LOL!  Love Italian and ALL in your list.  Lasagna, yes.  Shells, yes.  Mack & cheese, yes.  :)    I'm a great microwave button pusher!  LOL! 

I know that after surgery, things are going to be tough.  It is getting more real now.  I'm not worried about the surgery itself.  I'm sure that day I'll be nervous and pretty anxious about everything, but the actual surgery isn't a concern.  I'm not worried about the mastectomy.  I'm not emotionally attached to my breasts so losing them isn't something that bothers me. 

Right now my bigger concern is the recovery.  I know I'll be sore.  I know moving around will be a challenge.  That's my concern.  Getting around.  Getting up from the recliner I plan on basically living in.  How the dog will be with me. 

Planning everything is how I've been trying to get a little control.  I am the QUEEN of list making.  I have pads of paper everywhere.  Right now my lists include:

Things to do around the house before surgery.
Things to buy before surgery.
What I have to pack to bring to the hospital. 

It's crazy!  But seriously, its things I need.  Have glasses on the counter because I won't be able to reach the shelf in the cabinet.  Open up prescription bottles because I won't have the strength to open them.  Get the pain medication in advance so I have it at home when I am released from the hospital.  Have clean blankets and sheets ready when I'm home to put on the recliner to lessen the risk of infection.  Have single serving food available to heat up easily. Buy new slippers for the hospital plus new pj's and button down tops that will be easier to get on and off. 

SO much to think about and prepare for. 

And now its starting Christmas weekend! 

December 22nd.  Almost the end of 2012.  Been a crazy year and I'm looking forward to leaving it behind.  Time to move on and move ahead.  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wig Shopping

Who knew that wig shopping when you are thinking about a bilateral mastectomy and then 8 chemo treatments over 4 months could actually be something fun?? 

First off, I have to give a HUGE thank you to my friend Tracie for tonight, for everything.  She has been great!  Tracie, thank you.  I love that we have been hanging out more lately and I've really been looking forward to it. I've had so much fun each time we've gotten together!

I was so worried about wig shopping.  I knew that this could be a very stressful time for me.  I mean, I'm losing my friggin hair!  By the end of February, I should be bald.  That SUCKS.  I know I am going to absolutely freak out when my hair starts falling out.  I was so nervous about even thinking about wigs. 

My social worker told me about  Um, some of them actually look NICE.  Okay... sure.  But what do they look like on me?  How do I get fitted?  Actually trying them on??

Monday when I went to my "Look Good, Feel Better" thing through the American Cancer Society, I was talking to a woman who is currently going through the same chemo treatment and schedule that I'll be on.  She said to bring a friend with me when I went wig shopping.  Basically, someone who won't let you look like ass but who will be there to help you get through it. 

SO glad I listened to her.  I immediately thought of Tracie.  I talked to her about it that night and she was in.  That night I started on Google to find any wig shops near by. 

Okay, talk about surprise.  Paula Young wigs?  In West Bridgewater!  About 5 miles from my house.  Seriously a few minutes from the 99 Restaurant that my boyfriend and I go to almost every friggin Friday night! 

And they are open late on Thursday nights.  So I called and booked a private room to try them on for 6pm tonight and Tracie met me there.

I do not do short wigs.  Especially the "Katie"!  LOL!  Wow, that one was NOT good! 

But Jaclyn Smith has a line through Paula Young.  And they are kind of nice!  And who knew I'd like brown hair?  I haven't had hair that dark in over 15 years!  But I kind of liked it. 

The wigs were less expensive in the store than they were online, and they weren't even bad online.  I ended up buying three wigs tonight, all from the Jaclyn Smith line and I only spent $250.  I still have another $100 left under my health insurance.  (only bad thing is that the $350 wig allowance is by PLAN year, not calendar year, and my plan year is July 1st- June 30th.  Oh well. Since chemo will end in June, I'm sure I could get another few wigs in July too).

We were at the store for 2 hours as they pulled different colors from the warehouse shelves for me to try.  Some were not great colors.  Some not great colors started to somehow look better after a few minutes, to the point that those were ones I even bought. 

Tonight I didn't cry.  When I first thought about buying a wig, I was so scared and overwhelmed.  I didn't want to go through it. 

Not only did I not cry tonight... I laughed!  I had fun!  I really had a good time. 

So Tracie, THANK YOU!  You took all the anxiety I had over this right out of it and lightened up everything.  I needed your support tonight and appreciate you being with me for this SO much. 

Now I need to figure out when I can go back for Gwyneth in the color I want!!  :) 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I cannot remember the last time I was this excited about finding a new website!  OMG!  A program that is MADE for me!!!


And then check out the program levels!

I can do a week of surfing!  For FREE!  Then I can go back a second time, as long as I fundraise?  For free again?  Then a 3rd time where I have to raise at least $1000. 

I already filled out the application for 2013!  I'm really really excited.  Surfing, white water kayaking or rock climbing adventures.  How cool is that?  The YouTube Video they have is pretty cool too. 

After reading it all, the levels, adventures, challenges, goals... this program is literally made for me. I haven't found something so ME in this whole experience.  Specific for people in any part of surviving cancer who are 18-39 years old... the forgotten age of cancer.  (less funding, less research, fewer programs).  This is ME! 

I could completely see myself becoming part of this organization going forward.  Too bad I'm maxed out at the age pretty soon.  :( 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I didn't go to work today.  I've been exhausted since the weekend and I didn't have energy to stand up to get into the shower this morning.  I was basically on the sofa the entire day.  With the surgery coming up so quickly, I just can't get sick right now!  And I know I get sick when I'm run down.  So I called in. 

The American Cancer Society has a community page, similar to facebook but for people with cancer.  Lucky me, I can be part of that group.  But I have chatted with some great people and got some great advice that I know will help me. 

Someone on that site, Nancebeth, answered a question I had posted about what to expect after surgery.  She gave me SO much information!  It was great.  Plus a few other people too. 

Nancebeth also shared the link to her blog.  I started at the oldest from May and worked my way up.  This post from September clicked.

So many hit home for me... so read away!!!

Please remember that I am not my diagnosis.  I'm not "Julie with breast cancer".  I'm JULIE.  When I hear that people I'm about to meet already know I have breast cancer or that the new people working in the office already heard before they were introduced to me, or that people I confide in at work pass the info along to everyone which is the exact reason I TOLD everyone at work so people wouldn't be doing that... it just pisses me off. 

I'm working, going to the doctors and consumed by all of this right now.  I love the texts and emails and cards.  I can't exercise right now.  I leave work and go home.  My boyfriend is going to the gym 3 nights a week.  I know that he NEEDS this for him, for his release and outlet.  And for his time. 

Those 3 nights a week?  Typically, I'm home.  Where I am right now, with the dog laying on my legs.  Sick of TV, bored.  The time with friends means so much to me.  It can be really hard for me to reach out.  I've always been so independent.  Asking for anything from anyone has never been something easy for me.  It has been wonderful when I do get together with friends and I appreciate so much when friends reach out and get me out.  Thank you! 

I'm still afraid, I'll always be afraid.  I'm reaching out to as many groups, resources and people that I can reach out to.  I don't want to be a burden to anyone.  It has been easier to reach out to support services than to people I know.  This is a lot of shit!  It sucks. 

Do I have tunnel vision?  Am I all consumed?  FUCK YES!  This is my LIFE!  Everything about my life has been flipped completely upside down.  Okay, lets see... in the past year:

1. Early stages of glaucoma, from the head of the glaucoma division at Mass Eye and Ear.
2. SI joint out again and trouble walking, saw chiro for it.
3. Major car accident, totaled my car, back with the chiro.
4. New loan for another car.
5. Wrist started blowing up again, 3 times over the summer.
6. Surgery on my wrist.
7. Find a lump and wait for weeks of tests.
8. Start moving in with my boyfriend.
9. I have cancer.
10. I'm BRCA-2 positive.
11. I'm having a bilateral mastectomy.
12. I need 16 weeks of chemo (for 8 treatments)
13. And then 5 years of another med.
14. Chemo will leave me infertile.
15. Start IVF for fertility preservation with daily injections for weeks.
16. All that to freeze ONE.
17.  Insurance denies approval to try again (wait a whole weekend for approval!)
18.  I am going to lose my hair.
19.  Relationships with people in my life have changed since cancer entered the picture.
20.  I have never been this overwhelmed in my life.

Yeah... I'd say I'm a little stressed out!  Yup, been a tough year.  VERY happy to see 2012 leave. 

The one thing that is a tough one with cancer... #19.  Relationships.  I love that it has brought me closer to some of the people in my life.  I have seen so much kindness from people.  That has meant so much to me!  People and places where it was not expected at all.  I appreciate it so much!

But then there is the other side of the coin.  People who don't look at me but at me.  People who can't make eye contact with me anymore.  Friendships that I thought were strong... cancer proved that wrong.  I've seen different sides of people when I didn't expect it. 

I know I'm not a great friend to people right now.  I know that!  I know that better than anyone.  Again, I'm consumed.  I have a disease that could kill me.  If I'm not completely focused on myself and taking care of me, I could die.  So yeah, I am a suck ass friend right now.  I'm self absorbed, emotional and sensitive. 

It is just really hard when I see and feel a shift.  When people who I thought I was close to can't or won't look at me.  When I hear a tone in someone's voice.  When people don't get it.  I'm a fucking mess half the time.  I have been on an emotional roller coaster for over 3 months, since I first felt the lump. 

If I have an attitude, if I'm short or snippy, or tired, or complaining or going on and on... I HAVE FUCKING CANCER!  DEAL WITH IT!  This is what my LIFE is now.  This is my new reality. 

I was never someone who had patience.  When people would tell me (OFTEN!) "Patience is a virtue", my answer was always, "One I do not posses."  Now?  I have NO patience.  I can't.  I don't care.  I don't have the energy or patience to deal with bs anymore.  Blame it on cancer, call it using the cancer card, call it whatever you want.  I am being selfish, thinking of myself and what is best for me.  I'm not putting up with anyone's bullshit anymore. 

I can't handle any extra stress in my life.  I can't handle drama or attitude or bullshit or petty crap.  I don't care.  Maybe when you hear the words "you have cancer", your perspective about things starts to shift a bit.  I was never one who had an issue speaking my mind.  Now I just hold back even less.  Again, absolutely no patience anymore.  I don't give a flying rats ass.  You don't like, that's okay. 

Obviously, my moods shift.  Even the tone of this whole thing from start to finish... not sure where all this anger ended up coming from, but I had it somewhere.  Guess I needed to get it out.  I'm just tired and drained.  The physically drained thing where your whole body aches and there is just not an ounce of energy left.  Right now I'm hot.  But I don't have the energy to move the blanket off of me or to reach up and shut off the heating pad that I have under my lower back right now.  Its that kind of exhausted.  For DAYS. 

Too much has been happening.  Too many things all at once.  Too much to handle.

I know its Christmas on Saturday.  I know so many people are crazy busy this time of year.  But I appreciate so much the people who do contact me... the texts (Judy, you are amazing!!), emails, facebook messages, snail mail cards (Jen, never knew someone as much of a card person as me!), comments on this blog and time out, especially connecting with friends one on one (Tracie, just thank you.).  So for everyone reaching out to me, thank you so much!  It just gets hard when I don't hear from others.  Like I said, I'm home after work and that's it.  It gets hard. 

And now time for the Voice to announce the winner of the season.. well, within the next 15 minutes anyway!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Red Tape

After the call on Friday that my insurance company denied approval for a 2nd round of fertility treatments for preservation, it was a tough weekend.  I did my best to let it go.  I figured, I did all I could do and it was out of my hands.  Whatever was meant to be would be and I had no more control over it.

I fought as hard as I could, did all I could, but the ultimate decision was not up to me.  Someone else could make that call and had the power over that decision.  As with everything else in my life, I tried to let it go and trust that things would work out the way that they should.  For some reason, I always end up landing on my feet.  I might not know why things go the way they go at the time, but always I end up where I was supposed to be. 

Today I was back at work.  I waited until around 10:30 to call the fertility doctor's office and left a message for his nurse, Jackie.  She's AMAZING.  I got 2 called from my surgical oncologist's office to change my next appointment from the 7th to the 8th, then to tell me my pre-op is on the 8th as well at Faulkner.  Surgery day I need to check in a 9am for a noon time surgery.  All the paperwork was getting mailed out today.

It was around 11:30 when Jackie called me back.  The doctor had been with patients most of the morning, but had drafted up a letter which was being typed to fax to my insurance company for reconsideration.  After it was faxed and hand delivered to Dr. Dave, the one who denied the request originally, he was going to call to discuss it. 

Jackie asked if I heard back from Fertile Hope.  Its a group through Live Strong that offers financial assistance for fertility preservation with cancer patients.  She gave them all my contact info on Friday afternoon, but I hadn't heard back yet. 

I called back my case manage at my insurance company.  She didn't have any other info and the denial letter was not yet loaded in my file for her to even know why the request was denied. 

Shortly after that, I got a call from Patti at Fertile Hope. She was great.  She talked me through their website with the application and what benefits they have available.  They work with a pharmacy who ships the drugs directly to the doctor.  The pharmacy doesn't even get my name, but they cover the cost in full.  The meds I took before cost close to $14,000. 

The fertility clinic I went to last Thursday is on Fertile Hope's list.  The contracted DISCOUNTED price for what I went through last Thursday was still OVER $5000!  That was the discounted cost!  WOW!

Jackie had told me on Friday that the doctor and Harvard Vanguard, who he is through, were going to waive their fees for me.  I thought that was amazing.  But over $5000?  WOW!!

Patti also gave me info on another group with a different website (I can't remember their name) for preservation.  The cost to ship to them is a one time $95. Then they charge a discounted annual rate of $106 for storage.  The place the clinic provided is $85/month for storage.  That's over $1000 a year. 

I left work today around 1:30.  I had to be at Dana Farber at for 2pm for a "Look Good Feel Better" program.  They give out a couple hundred dollars worth of makeup to each woman in the class, do a whole class on applying it, plus some tips on wigs and scarves.  I'm really glad I went now, before chemo starts, just to get a better idea of things and to try to get better prepared.

Hoping to hear from Jackie, I left my phone out, on vibrate.  At about 2:30 it started vibrating and I saw the number.  It was from their office.  I grabbed the phone and left that room to go into the hallway.  It was Trisha, a medical assistant from the fertility office.  Right away she yelled, "YOU'RE INSURANCE COMPANY APPROVED YOU!"

It was a HUGE relief.  I just felt a weight lift off of me. Something finally went right in all of this.  Finally. 

I asked Trisha about the meds.  On Friday, the plan was to start on one for Monday night, tonight.  So I called the fertility pharmacy and had it ordered to be delivered today to Jim's work, since I knew I was leaving work early today.  But as of this morning, with all the insurance crap, Jackie said we'd start tomorrow on that drug and have the drug protocol done by then for the rest of the meds.  I didn't know, now that approval came through, what the plan would be. 

Trisha was so funny.  She didn't know what the plan was.  She said, "I haven't talked to Jackie yet.  She doesn't even know.  I JUST got the approval in now and called you right away."  She was happy for me and it was really nice.  That whole office has been SO great. 

So, tonight I took my first shot.  Something finally went right.

24 days until surgery.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

25 Days and Counting

The bloating is almost gone from the fertility drugs and "harvest" (REALLY hate that word!).  This morning when I got out of bed, Jim had already left to go to Dunkin.  I was in the bathroom in my pajama pants and tank top, the super fitted ribbed kind (aka wife beater). 

When I looked in the mirror and saw that the bloating was basically done, I thought to myself, "Good, I have my body back."  But then that brought on a whole new set of thoughts.  Yeah, today I have my body back, but for how long?  I'm having both boobs cut off.  What will "my body" be then? 

I just checked a calendar and counted it out.  Surgery is in 25 days.  25 days!!  WOW.  That's quick.  That's really quick.  Being in January, it seems further way.  A different month.  A different year.  But 25 days?  And then I'll have a new body.  Without boobs for a while. 

I'm doing better than I was yesterday morning.  I've basically let it all go as far as the fertility thing.  It is completely out of my hands and there is nothing else I can do about it.  If it is meant to be, then it will work out.  If not, it won't.  I've always been pretty good with trusting that things will work out for me the way they are supposed to and I will end up where I should be.  Sometimes it is harder to remember that, especially right in the middle of something that can be so upsetting. 

I'm scared about what my body is going to look like, having 2 scars, each about 4 inches, across my chest, without nipples.  The temporary expanders will only have a little saline in them after surgery before they get filled slowly over time.  How am I going to react when I see myself for the first time?  How am I going to be with Jim? 

I'm tried to prepare him that I'm nervous about it and that I don't know how I will react to all of it.  I've tried to let him know that I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle him looking at me.  I'm not sure that he understands how much this is going to impact me and my confidence. 

And all of that is before I lose my hair!  THAT is the biggest fear that I have in all of this!

Is that messed up?  Is that wrong?  This is cancer.  People die of cancer.  I'm having both boobs cut off, chemo, reconstruction, multiple surgeries, one thing after another.  Yeah, I'm concerned about it all.  But the one, single, biggest thing for me.  My hair!

When people tell me, "don't worry, it'll grow back", all that does is piss me off.  I don't f'ing care!  I don't want to lose it in the first place!!  I've had long straight hair for 10-15 years.  This is who I am.  This is my identity.  Telling me not to worry, that it will grow back?  When I'm losing something that is part of my identity?  Really?  That is supposed to help me?  I don't f'ing think so!

And I know that people only say it because they think it will help, but it doesn't.  It hasn't once and it won't.  I know that my hair will grow back, reminding me of that doesn't change that I am going to lose it and only makes me feel like my worries and fears are being minimized or disregarded. 

When I say that people I do not know have come up to me to touch my hair, I'm not kidding.  It has always freaked me out, yes, but I've always found it funny too.  Little kids will start to almost "pet" my hair!

Years ago, I was away up in NH one weekend and went to a local bar to hear and dance to a band I loved who played mostly rock, like Motley Crew, Buck Cherry, Van Halen, and AC/DC.  The following weekend I was at a Country bar in Middleton, MA.  Someone came up to me and asked me if I was at the bar in NH the weekend before.  She recognized me from my hair.  Really?

So that's why it is such a big deal.  Bigger than having both boobs cut off.  Bigger than having 5 surgeries within 6 months.  This is the biggest part of it for me.  This is the hardest part for me to deal with. 

I don't want to be a sick person.  I'm not sick!  I feel great, now that I'm not bloated.  I haven't been exercising because of the fertility crap but I will today.  This week I want to get in at least one kickboxing class, if not more.  I'm okay. 

When I lose my hair, I will LOOK like I'm sick.  People will see that.  I don't want to be treated differently.  I don't want pity. 

I just want to be me and I want to have my life back to normal. 

I know that isn't going to happen for a long time.  This is my new normal.  cancer is my new normal.  Doctor appointments almost every day, that's my new normal.  I don't have all these numbers programed in my phone.  I don't need to.  I KNOW them.  I know from seeing the number on Caller ID, which doctor's office is calling me.  I can recognize them all now.   

Obviously, I'm still adjusting to all of this.  There is so much to take in and process ALL the time.  I know that this is changing who I am as a person and impacting most of the relationships in my life.  I see things differently, react to things differently, even feel things differently.  Each day has brought different challenges, ones that I never could have imagined.  How do you prepare for things when you can't even imagine the possibility? 

I'm still trying to stay positive.  I put my thoughts and fears here... getting them out of my head where they can only cause me damage.  I'm trying to recognize the fear, then let it go.  Some parts are easier than others to do that with.

One step at a time. 

I'm actually surprised at how I handled the fertility thing.  Who knows what I'll be like tomorrow when I hear the final results, if the insurance company will allow it or not.  I can't worry about that today though and there is nothing else at all that I can do to to influence that.  I've spoken to everyone I can, done all I can.  It is out of my hands and what will be, will be.  I have to trust that the right thing will happen, whatever the right thing for me is. 

I'm trying to have that same attitude about everything.  Whatever is right for me will happen.  I will be where I need to be, when I need to be there, to learn whatever it is that I need to learn.  The right people will be brought into my life at the right times.   I've always believed that things happen for a reason, even if it takes a while to see what that reason might be.  There is some ultimate purpose for this that I don't know about yet.  There is something that I will learn from this.

After the surgeries, after chemo, after this whole process, I will be okay.  I will get through all of this.  I know that for certain.  Maybe that's why I'm not as concerned about the surgeries.  I know that I will be fine when this is done.  I'll be different, but I will be okay.  I'm strong.  I'm healthy.  I trust my team of doctors.  I know I will be fine and this will not break me.  I will get through this, just like I have gotten through every other challenge I have had in my life.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and this will not kill me.  I KNOW that. 

Even still, I'm learning to manage the fears and the unknowns.  I'm a planner and I have always wanted and needed clear, defined, detailed expectations.  What's the goal?  What is the outcome going to be?  What is the process? What steps need to be taken?  And what will the results of each step lead to? 

With this, there are so many unknowns.  I think I'm prepared.  I think I have all the information.  I think I'm doing okay.  Then something completely unexpected knocks me for a loop!  Blindsides me.  How do I prepare for that?  How do I protect myself from things I can't even imagine will be issues or concerns? 

Now, I'm preparing that insurance may not approve another attempt at fertility preservation.  I'm trying to be positive and hopeful, but I'm preparing for the denial to not be reversed. 

My surgery has a date.  January 10th.  I'm preparing for that.  I will be in the hospital for 1-2 nights.  The house needs to be cleaned before I go for surgery... not just picked up, but CLEANED.  All the laundry needs to be done, dishes washed and put away.  Bathroom scrubbed.  Litter box changed.  Plenty of easy food to heat up ready to go in easy to open containers. 

I will get home from the hospital on either Friday or Saturday.  Jim will be back to work on Monday.  I'll need to be ready for that, to be home alone all day with the cats downstairs (no more litter box for me!) and the dog upstairs will me.  Will I be okay with a 115 pound dog who likes to sit on my lap?  Not sure how that will manage but he was great after my wrist surgery. 

We have to get a phone line in the house, so when I'm ready to work again from home, I can get and make calls.  And if we need to be home from that, we need to call sooner rather than later, with two long holiday weekends between now and then. 

I won't be able to lift my arms after surgery.  I need to make sure I have the clothes that I need and can wear.  I've got one top that the hospital gave me, but I want to order others online, which I haven't done yet.  I want to buy a bathrobe with big pockets on the front, not on the side.  When I wash the shirt I got from the hospital, I can wear that bathrobe inside out and have a place to put the drains. 

Dishes, glasses and even some food will all have to be on the counter, since I won't be able to reach my arms up.  My powerade bottles will have to have the seals broken so they are easy to open.  Food will have to be ready to heat in single serving sizes for me, with easy containers to just pop in the microwave. 

I've ordered a TON of books that I'm already reading.  I have a bunch of magazines I'm not yet caught up on.  I know I'm going to be bored sitting around the house all day every day.  The plastic surgeon doesn't want me doing ANYTHING while the drains are still in, so I won't get an infection. 

Hopefully she'll be okay with me at least going for a walk or something like that.  Getting outside makes me feel better, getting the fresh air and just moving.  Granted, the poor dog won't be able to go with me.  NO WAY could I handle that leash alone! 

I'm just trying to prepare for everything that I'll want and could need for my first recovery.  I'm not even on to chemo yet.... other than really trying to prepare for losing my hair.  First is surgery.  That's the next step.  25 days.  Wow. 

And to think, I haven't even finished Christmas shopping yet!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Busy Week

I had to look and see what I said last time and when I last wrote.  Been a busy week!  And of course, more ups and downs too. 

Wednesday was actually okay.  Work has been hard since my focus is so limited and all over the place, but not much I can do about that right now.  Went to see the shrink again.  He's actually pretty funny!  He asked if I liked to have control with things.  I said, "YEAH, with everything!"  His response, with his finger on his chin, "Hmm.... you'd think I did this for a living."  He just cracks me up!

But he doubled the dose of the anti-anxiety pills I've been taking.  Probably a good thing for me.  My anxiety level is SO high.  He told me I have anticipatory anxiety.  Thinking about things in the future, I can work myself up into a frenzy.  Yup, that's me.  Guess he really does do this for a living! 

I'm glad I have gotten support like him into place.  I know I'm going to have more challenges along the way in this whole thing.  Having him to talk to and kind of keep me in check, along with the social worker I've been seeing weekly, plus the case manager at my health insurance company... all of them, each gives me an outlet to vent, plus I hear some great ideas of things I didn't know about or haven't thought about.  I know I'm going to need all the support I can get over the next 6 months.

Thursday was the "Haaahvest" as one friend likes to call it.  I honestly HATE calling the egg retrieval thing a harvest, but that's the word they use for it.  URGH. 

Anyway, I was up before my 5am alarm went off.  Showered, got ready, work Jim up and we were out the door around 5:45 to drive up to Lexington.  With the traffic on 128, you never know what you are getting.  We needed to check in for 7am.  I wasn't sure an hour and 15 minutes would be enough. 

Well, after getting off the exit, driving a few miles looking for the McD's on his phone (and not finding it, realizing we were going in the wrong direction, giving up and heading back to the place), we parked at 6:30am!  Okay, so not me.  Pretty early.

I was EXHAUSTED.  I feel back to sleep sitting in the drivers seat in the parking lot.  Jim woke me up right at 7am and we went in to check in.  The upstairs had a big sign, "ADULTS ONLY ON THE 2ND FLOOR".  That was kind of odd, but okay. 

After heading passed the waiting area, we went though the next door to check in with the nurses.  It almost looked like an ER.  The gurney beds all lined up with curtains separating each area, and the nurses station in the middle. 

The walked me to the bathroom where I had to change out of my clothes into the wonderful "one size fits" NOT ME johnny.  Really?  Why can't those damn things come in sizes?  I wear a small top, sometimes and extra small.  Those HANG off of me!  I swear they make them from people who are double my size.  With how big they are one, what's the point? 

After I got back to the "room" where Jim was sitting, waiting, they grabbed me a warm, heated blanket and we were basically just hanging out.  After all the shots I've been getting, you'd think I was good with needles at this point.  Maybe the "anticipatory anxiety" thing, but NOPE!  NOT good.  The nurse grabbed another warm blanket to wrap around my left arm, heating up my veins to make it easier for the IV. 

It wasn't too bad after she got it in, then covered it again, so I didn't need to look at it.  They were super nice and got me all prepped.  I was pretty nervous, but did so much better than any other medical procedure I've had in the past 4 months (including all my MRI's too!) 

I walked into the, hmm, operating room?  Whatever that room was called, I walked in.  It looked like a bad movie.  The small table was in the middle of the room and it was freezing in there. I had to get the IV around everything and sit on the edge of the table.  They had a weird shaped pillow for my head to rest on and not flop over. 

Think of your annual with the ob/gyn and those wonderful stirrups.  But they were closer and not for my feet.  I had to rest the back of my knees in them, then hang my feet down.  Wonderful.  Such a great position with 5 other people in the room while I'm in the johnny hanging off of me, "scooting" my hips up in the air so the nurse could stick another blanket thing under my naked ass. 

They put some drug to relax me into the IV and OMG that hurt!  The nurse said, "you'll feel a slight burn from that but only for a minute. Then you won't feel a thing".  I was laying down and the anesthesiologist was putting the thing over my nose when I said, "It really hurts!  When am I not going to feel a thing?"  That is the last thing I remember. 

I woke up back in the "room" with the curtain.  It was weird waking up.  Very groggy.  I guess the Dr. came over and chatted with me, at least that's what Jim told me.  I have no memory of that conversation, which is what I told the Dr. when he came back.  He said that's what he thought which is why he came back.

I only had 2 eggs, which I knew going in.  He got both, but wasn't sure on the quality at that point.  He knew of the change with my surgery date, moving even sooner.  I have to say, I really really like Dr. O.  He's a good guy, honest and shoots straight.  No bs.  Right to the point and says it like it is.  Even when its hard to hear, I appreciate that.  No false hope. 

He said there would be time to squeeze in another cycle before surgery.  He's start me on a different drug on Monday to get things going.  No guarantees with it, but he was willing to try again, given the situation I'm in.  He said that he wanted to do it all before my surgery, not after.  The surgery will be a lot for me, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.  That it wouldn't be fair to me to have to come in for blood work and ultrasounds every few days while getting shots every night, after having just gone through that.  I appreciated that.  And he's right.  I don't think I could handle that, even IF I could get there every morning for the blood work and ultrasounds (I don't expect I'll be allowed to drive for a bit!)

We were back home on Thursday morning around 9:30.  Jim left before 10 to head to work and I was on the sofa for the ENTIRE day.  I slept on and off and just hung out.  HOLY COW was I bloated.  I seriously still look like I'm a few months pregnant, although this morning my belly is FINALLY starting to relax a little. 

Friday I was at work, back in my black Target yoga pants.  I was so bloated that they were literally cutting a line into my stomach.  Plus my boobs were swollen too!  (which Jim though was a good thing, stretch the skin now so there's more room later.  Of course he'd be happy with that part! LOL!)

At work on Friday afternoon, that was the tough part.  Dr. O's office called earlier in the day.  Jackie, his amazing nurse who I love said that only one egg made it and it was already frozen.  One.  Granted there were only 2 to begin with, but ONE?  Couples who go through IVF have 2-3 embryos implanted each month to try to get pregnant and some try for MONTHS.  I have one. 

They already put in for my new prescription and I just needed to call the pharmacy to set up the delivery and take the 3 units on Monday.  That would get things going for the new cycle.  Once I get my next period, I'll have to call them right away to get things started again.  Okay... got the plan, lets go! 

I called the pharmacy, set up delivery to go to Jim's work on Monday (I'm leaving at 1:45, so it can't go to my work and I don't want drugs dropped off to our empty house during the day).  All seemed good.  I was doing okay, just trying to make it though a Friday afternoon at work.

Another nurse, Trish, called from Dr. O's office.  They put in for approval for a 2nd round with my insurance company.  It was denied.  Dr. O was going to call for reconsideration, and Jackie was looking up other alternatives for me.  Harvard Vanguard and Dr. O would waive their fees for me. But the place I went to on Thursday for the "harvest", that cost for that one day is almost $9,000!  And the meds?  What I took last time was almost $14,000. I'm guessing I'd be on something stronger or higher doses this time to get better results, so it would cost even more! 

Jackie was trying to get me places with financial aid for this, to help me out.  Dr. O was with patients but was going to call to speak with a doctor at my insurance company for a "peer to peer" review of why I needed this.  Really?  Um, I have no kids and I'm going to be going through chemo which will leave me sterile.  Only one survived the retrieval the first time.  If I am ever going to have the chance to have kids, this is IT.  That's why I need this again.  NOW!  Before surgery in less than a month!


I was in tears by the time I hung up the phone.  I immediately called my case manager at my insurance company to see what she could do and what I could do. She said Dr. O needed to call in for the review, but I could call member services as well if I wanted to.  That's what I did.  I was quickly passed to their infertility department who said it was denied, but she didn't have a reason and she said Dr. O needed call for the reconsideration.  I asked for her manager.

Rita was nice but basically said there was nothing she could do.  She could take my info, note that I called, but that Dr. O really needed to call for the review.  I said, "But this isn't HIS life, this its MINE!  What can I do??  I need to do SOMETHING!"  I was sobbing on the phone.  Sobbing. 

I told her that this wasn't just someone going for fertility treatments.  I said that I have cancer.  I'm having a double mastectomy on January 10th and then having chemo.  I'm going to be sterile.  This is it!  This is my ONLY chance.  I said how time sensitive it was. 

I wanted to speak with someone in that department, who made that decision, who denied the request for coverage.  Surprise, surprise, they don't speak to members!  Really?  They can play God, but they won't talk to the people who's lives they are impacting? 

I was yelling at Rita, telling her it wasn't right.  I kept saying, I can't take anymore of this.  I'm going through enough right now.  This isn't right and I shouldn't have to worry about things like this too.  I took out EVERYTHING that I had in my on Rita.  It got the point that I couldn't even talk anymore, I was crying on the phone that much to her. 

When I could finally speak again and said good-bye, Rita whispered a good-bye to me.  I'm pretty sure that I left her in tears with that call.  

As much as I know that she was only doing her job and the decision for me being denied wasn't on her, wasn't her choice and wasn't anything she could make a decision on or even impact, she worked for them and just represented the entire insurance company to me.  Maybe it makes me a bad person, but in some way, it made me feel a little better knowing that on Friday afternoon at 4:30, just before her weekend was going to begin, I made her cry.  She can think about me and how upset I was, and have that with her this weekend.  And that made and still makes me feel a little bit better.  Like I said, that might make me a bad person, but right now I'm okay with that. 

Jackie called me back to let me know she was still trying to get me some additional financial aid and looking into things for me.  She said Dr. O was still with a patient, but he was going to call in for reconsideration for my denial.  Even the info she got didn't give a reason.   It just said that the "request was official denied by Dr. Dave".   Nice, huh?  Asshole. 

She said she'd call me if she heard anything, but at that point it was about 4:40pm on a Friday.  I doubted anything else would happen before the weekend.  She said she'd call me on Monday either way.  I had already ordered the meds and my $30 copay for the first shot already went through.  I've already gotten the UPS confirmation email that it will be delivered to Jim's work on Monday. 

Right now I'm still planning on taking that first shot on Monday.  We'll see what everything else brings after that. 

Just too much to think about.  So much keeps coming on my plate.  Even things I would never have any idea about.  How do I stay positive and optimistic about things but protect myself from crushing blows like this?  How do I manage the expectations and not be let down when something like this wasn't even anywhere in my head as a remote possibility?  I have great medical insurance.  IVF is covered for people trying to have kids, for multiple cycles.  Why wouldn't mine be covered to try for a second time before I'm left sterile?  It just doesn't make any sense to me!  And I know I couldn't have the $23,000 to pay for this on my own without insurance, and that's AFTER the fees for Dr. O and all services at Harvard Vanguard were waived! 

WTF.  That's all I can say about it.

I wasn't in the best of moods when I left work yesterday, with all of that.  Jim was great when I got home.  I talked to him on my way home and was basically just trying to get out of my head.  After him and I hung up, I tried 3 other people but just got voice mail after voice mail.  That was hard. 

Last night my friend Aimee was having a girls night holiday get together at her house.  With the "harvest" and all that, I had been on the fence all week.  I wasn't sure how I'd feel.  Even before the insurance mess, I was still unsure.  I was SO bloated and looked pregnant. I was so uncomfortable, looked like crap and felt like crap.  THEN the insurance mess.  I was an emotional wreck. 

Plus, I didn't want to be the Debbie Downer of the night.  I didn't want pity or for people to feel bad for me.  I HATE that.  Give me support, don't give me pity! 

I ended up talking to my friend Jen, who wanted to drive 15 minutes to get me, back past her house to get to Aimee's!  She so sweet.  Talking to her and venting about the whole thing really helped.  That's what got me to decide to at least try to go to Aimee's and see the girls. 

I'm glad I went.  First off, Aimee is an AMAZING hostess!  I cannot believe how much food she had and how much I ate.  Good thing I still had on my Target yoga pants, but I was even more bloated with everything I ate.  I need to remember to get the recipe for the grape, caramel, peanut thing she made.  Holy Cow was that one good.  Everything was good!

It was really nice seeing everyone.  Ten of us made it, only one from the group was missing.  We were all sitting around, the drinks were flowing, and were chatting, laughing and having a great time.  They are all really great people and I'm lucky that I have them all in my life. 

The weirdest part is, four years ago, I didn't know any of them.  I met some in 2009, a few in 2010, then the rest in 2011.  All with the fitness group.  Between running, swimming and golf, we've all become friends.  I think that's really cool. 

It was nice to catch up with a few people I haven't talked to in a while.  I think I needed that.  Aimee was so incredibly supportive and encouraging.  I stayed much later than I was going to, just because I her and I were talking for so long.  She is a great person.  Aimee... hope you know that! 

All of them... they are all great people and I'm lucky that I have them in my life and I'm lucky for the support that I have with them. 

Focusing on things like that... the people in my life, the support that I have around me, that's what makes things easier to handle and manage.  I can't imagine going through breast cancer and dealing with all of this, without having the support that I do.  That isn't even something that I could think about.  This whole things SUCKS, but I know I'm so blessed for the support.  Not everyone has that.  Not everyone has great people all around them.  I do. 

Even though getting through work has been tough, they have been amazing.  I hung up on my boss yesterday when the doctor's number was on the caller ID on my phone.  They are setting me up to work from home when I'm recovered from surgery, all through chemo.  I'll be in the office the beginning of January then out basically until July.  Not all companies would be that accommodating and supportive. 

My family is great.  My friends are great.  Jim is amazing.  Even his family. I don't know them all really well.  Him and I have only been together for a year and a half.  I don't even see them once a month.  Some of them offered me rides if I ever need them!  How unbelievable is that?? 

And if you can follow this one, on Thanksgiving, Jim's mother's (Diane), cousin's (Paul),  wife's (Linda) mother (seriously, can you follow that?) gave me a hug and said she was praying for me but she knew I'd be okay.  When we were back there the day after Thanksgiving, they knew I had my biopsy that morning.  Linda's mom asked me how everything went and that she had been thinking of me.  Before Thanksgiving, I met this woman once.  That's how his family is. 

Not everyone has this kind of support.  Not everyone gets texts, emails, cards, care packages, phone calls... people just checking in to say hi, wish me well and let me know they are thinking of me.  I love that and appreciate that so much.  It all means SO much to me.  I save all the cards, all the emails.  I know when I have surgery and when I'm in chemo, things are going to be really rough.  I'm saving all of that so I can go back and remind myself of the support I have and of the amazing people in my life who are cheering me on in this. 

Even if I don't always respond, THANK YOU and know how much all it all means to me.

What else???  I got a ton of deliveries at work this week.  The 2 decals should be on my car later today, which I'm looking forward to.  I'll post a pic of the back of my car once that's done. 

Another gift that came in was my boyfriend's xmas gift.  For those not friends with me on Facebook, I had to tell him what it was.  It was delivered to work on Thursday when I wasn't there.  Hard to hide a 6 foot tall 90 pound grappling dummy wrapped in a white tarp.  OMG, it looked like a dead body. 

I guess people at work were freaked out.  They would walk by my office and see it laying on the flood. Some thought it was someone sleeping, but no one could tell what was up.

Here's a picture of it from when I came in on Friday. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sometimes it is just a little hard to stay super positive with everything.  Toss in the hormones for the fertility thing and its just been rough.  Right now I'm  human pin cushion and look like an addict.  My arms are bruised from having blood taken almost daily.  Forget about my quads!  I had 3 shots last night, 3 this morning and one more tonight. 

Last week they said I'd have my blood work & ultrasound on Sunday and most likely the "trigger" shot on Sunday night.  Sunday afternoon they said the same thing again... more blood work and another ultrasound Monday morning and most likely the trigger shot Monday night. But no!  Increase the dose again (was 225 units, then 450, then as of Thursday it was 525).  Last night and this morning for 600 units each time, plus a 2nd injection as well.

And the 600 units comes in a preloaded pen which does 450 unit max.  So that's the 3 shots last night and this morning. 

After that call yesterday, scheduling today's blood work and ultrasound, my fertility dr called.  My hormone levels are all over the place.  I only have 2 follicles over 10mm and one egg per follicle, max.  He wanted me to be prepared to not have any eggs. 

Then he wanted me to move my surgery date for later in January so I could do another cycle of this then.  Um, no.  I have invasive cells.  I'm not pushing it back to wait even longer!  I've waited long enough. 

And if he was to do another cycle, I need either an IUD or the pill.  I can't take any hormones with cancer cells being hormone positive (and they are watching those levels with the fertility hormone meds) and my body does not accept IUDs.  So... if I have no eggs that make it, that's pretty much it.

Then my ob/gyn office called me back about any birth control options.  Condoms or basically getting my tubes tied.  Two options.  Surgical and they cut the tubes or an office procedure where they put something in to block the tubes and scar tissue grows around it.  That takes 3 months to work. 

The nurse said, well you're having your eggs taken so you won't need your tubes to work anyway. You'll just need your uterus.  Yeah, okay, that makes me feel better. 

Those 2 calls were within 2 hours.  I left work over an hour early, just couldn't take anymore.

I didn't have enough of the medication for the 600 units twice.  In rush hour traffic we had to drive up and back to Waltham to pick up the refill pens.  This time they gave me 4, which is a total of 10 that I got.  My co-pays for those 10 pens plus 2 other injection meds, pills, needles and all the other crap including sharps container was a total of $150. The cost for the 4 pens last night in total?  $5,254!!!  In total, all of it has cost almost $14,000. 

$14,000?  And when I have this done on Thursday I might not have any viable eggs?  Really?  All these shots, night after night?  For nothing?

This is it.  This is my one chance.  I'm not saying that I KNOW I want to have kids.  I'm not saying that at all.  I just want to have a choice at some point. 

So many choices are being taken away from me.  I'm just being told everything to do.  I have no choice.  I don't want more choices just taken.  If I don't have kids, I want that to be MY choice, not because I can't. 

This just sucks. 

Otherwise...  The surgery date was changed.  The plastic surgeon had a cancellation and it got moved up to January 10th.  I'm glad I'm going sooner.  I want all of this out of me.  Plus, the sooner I have surgery, the sooner I recover, the sooner I start chemo and the sooner I'm done. 

Just trying to get my head in a better place.  That has been hard lately.  Its one thing after another, and nothing is easy.  None of it goes smoothly.  None of it.  Its overwhelming and frustrating.  I can't get away from it.

Plus, with the fertility crap, I can't exercise.  I'm home.  Tonight was great!  Out for dinner with a great friend.  SO needed!!!  (Thank you!!)  Trying to keep busy and not just sit home after work has been difficult.  Too much time to sit and think and get in my head.  NOT good for me. 

Tomorrow is low key, then Thursday is the "harvest" to see if all of these shots were worth it.  Other than that, not too much between now and surgery.  HOPEFULLY the surprises are done, but we'll see.  Still need to figure out a few other things, but we'll see. 

OH!  One interesting thing.  With blogspot, it lets me see stats.  I can see how many pageviews by day, week, month or all time, plus by browser or operating system and where the links came from. 

I've had views from Germany, the UK and Netherlands!  In the past week alone I had 2 views from Germany.  Kind of weird.  And just nice to see that many people are actually viewing this. 

This is info from the past month:

Pageviews by Countries
Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States


United Kingdom
